Albury City

AlburyCity Sport and Recreation Grants - 2013

Submissions closed at 3:00PM 26 April 2013 (AEST).


AlburyCity, under the 2013 Sport and Recreation Grants Program, invites non-profit community organisations to submit an application for upgrading sporting and recreational facilities within the City of Albury.

Applications are also invited for organisations wishing to develop business plans, forward planning documents or feasibility studies related to the development of their sport or to the facilities they utilise within Albury.

Applications must adhere to the guidelines as set out below.  Please ensure that all questions are answered and all supporting documentation is attached. This will ensure that AlburyCity has a complete understanding of your project and will ensure that the application can be assessed with all appropriate information available. Community organisations must contact AlburyCity’s Parks and Recreation staff at least 2 weeks prior to submitting an application.

Grant requests are not restricted to a certain amount however there is a limited funding pool available. The average grant awarded in the past has been approximately $4,000. Community organisations seeking larger funding are encouraged to talk to AlburyCity staff.

Each application will be assessed with successful applicants having funds made available in the 2013/2014 financial year to assist in the completion of their project.

Guidelines and Criteria


At least 50% of the total cost of the project as assessed by Council will need to be provided by the applicant, either in cash, materials or labour/trade resources.  Labour is calculated at $30.00 an hour and tradespersons at $80.00 an hour.

(Please note: a minimum of 25% of the total project cost must be a cash contribution from the applicant).


Applications involving retrospective funding, maintenance costs, running costs, administration equipment, furnishings, floor coverings and salaries will not be considered.


Council will consider applications for the purchase of major items of sports equipment.


Generally, higher priority will be given to projects:

a)     Where multipurpose or flexible usage is planned.

b)    Which will be used by and are accessible to a wide cross section of the community.

c)     Which are developed in response to expressed or obvious local recreation needs.

d)    Which are supported by Council and the community.

e)     Where work can be completed within twelve (12) months of allocation (unless a staged program).

f)     Where the applicant has demonstrated their long term viability through either consistent historical use of a facility, a long term tenancy arrangement or where a long term management plan is in place.

g)    Where the applicant has demonstrated significant community development initiatives such as being a Good Sports club.

h)     That promotes health and safety, sun smart principles or environmental causes.


Generally, grant applications will receive a lower priority if:

a)     The project is for a private facility.

b)    The project is of a commercial nature.

c)     The project is associated with licensed premises.


Where applicable, the governing body of the applicant should provide a written endorsement of the application. Where applications are received by multiple clubs or organisations from within a single governing body, that governing body may be required to advise Council of their priorities in respect of those applications.


The organisation will undertake to complete the project or a discrete stage of the project within the 2012/2013 financial year.


The organisation understands that funds will be made available following completion of stages, or after the project has been completed. The applicant will be required to pay all invoices for the project and forward them to AlburyCity with proof of payment prior to AlburyCity forwarding a cheque for the grant. Payments will not be made to contractors.


If the project is to be completed in stages, details of the stages are to be attached.  All work will be subject to supervision by Council’s senior officers.


Council reserves the right to cancel the grant where undertakings in these guidelines are not honoured.


Applicant organisations must be incorporated. A Certificate of Incorporation must be submitted with this application.


Should a Development Application and/or Construction Certificate be required, the applicant will be responsible for completing these obligations. Associated fees typically charged by AlburyCity for the Development Application and/or Construction Certificate can be waived. It is not a requirement to have submitted a Development Application prior to your grant application however the applicant should be aware of the requirements of doing so prior to submission.


If appropriate, Council officers will make an inspection of the project site prior to decision.


Clubs with outstanding debts with AlburyCity will not be considered.

GST Information

Please note that there may be a GST component applicable under this grants program.

Assessment of Applications

All applications will be assessed by AlburyCity staff for their eligibility and quality of application with recommendations made to the Sports Albury advisory committee meeting scheduled on 15 May 2013.

The final decision on the grant applications will be made by the full Council at the June Council meeting. Applicants will be formally notified following this meeting.

Successful Applications

Following notification of a successful grant application, the applicant must formally accept the grant and conditions of the grant in writing.

The applicant will be responsible for undertaking the project in accordance with the conditions of the grant.

Following completion of the project, the applicant must provide written confirmation that the project has been completed in accordance with the conditions of the grant. Evidence of all expenses incurred must be included along with a request for the payment of the grant awarded.

Following confirmation from AlburyCity staff that the project has been completed, a cheque will be forwarded to the applicant.

Further Information

Should any assistance, advice or further information be required, please contact:

Annie Elliott

Trainee Recreation Officer

Ph: 6023 8179